Survivor Resources
The following resources are scored on the Credibility Index to assess author's empiricality and authority in their field. These scores are informal assessments to guide readers and promote the critical examination of OEA resources.
Crisis Resources
Online Resources
-, especially the Non-State Torture Wheel by Jeanne Sarson, BScN MEd RN & Linda MacDonald, BN MEd RN. Infographic with a Credibility Index of 2.
-, especially For Those Who Condemn Themselves for Acts Coerced Under Torture and Living with Programmed Corruption of Ordinary Stimuli by Ellen Lacter, PhD. Articles with a Credibility Index of 2.
-, especially Undoing Undue Influence and the BITE Model by Steven Hassan. Infographic with a Credibility Index of 2.
-, especially their resource list. Variable credibility based on authorship.
-, especially ICSA Recovery Workshops: The Colorado Model by Rosanne Henry, MA LPC & Carol Giambalvo, exit counselor. Article with a Credibility Index of 2.
-, especially their informative webinars. Variable credibility based on authorship.
- [US] Services Available to Survivors of Trafficking by the US Department of Health's Office of Trafficking in Persons. Resource List with a Credibility Index of 3.
Therapy Books and Workbooks
- OEA Specific
- Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse by Alison Miller, PhD. Self-Help Workbook. This book occasionally cites the personal experiences of survivors as concrete evidence, leaving room for bias; Credibility Index of 2.
- Shunned: A Survival Guide by Bonnie Zieman, MEd. Self-Help Book for survivors of cult-enforced ostracism; Credibility Index of 2.
- Safe Passage to Healing: A Guide for Survivors of Ritual Abuse by Chrystine Oksana. Lived-Experience Memoir written by survivor/non-professional; Credibility Index of 1.
- [Informational] The Alchemy of Wolves and Sheep: A Relational Approach to Internalized Perpetration in Complex Trauma Survivors by Harvey L Schwartz MD. Academic Treatment Guidebook with a Credibility Index of 3.
- [Informational] Organised Sexual Abuse by Michael Salter, PhD. Academic Research Book with a Credibility Index of 3.
- Complex Trauma
- Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma by Janina Fisher, PhD. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 3.
- Thriving in the Wake of Trauma: A Multi Cultural Guide by Thema Bryant-Davis, PhD. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 2.
- Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker, MA LMFT. Self-Help Book with a Credibility Index of 2.
- Complex Dissociative Disorders
- Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation by Suzette Boon, PhD, Kathy Steele, MN CS & Onno van der Hart, PhD. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 3.
- The Finding Solid Ground Program Workbook: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Recovery by Bethany L. Brand, PhD, Hugo J. Schielke, PhD & Ruth A. Lanius, PhD. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 3.
- Got Parts?: An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Successfully with Dissociative Identity Disorder by ATW, a survivor. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 1.
- [Informational] Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Relational Approach by Elizabeth F Howell, PhD. Academic Treatment Guidebook with a Credibility Index of 3.
- Skills-Based Therapy
- The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Jeffrey Brantley, MD, Jeffrey C. Wood, PsyD and Matthew McKay, PhD. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 3.
- The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by Kristin Neff, PhD and Christopher Germer, PhD. Self-help workbook Credibility Index of a 3.
- Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy by Francine Shapiro, PhD. Self-Help Book with a Credibility Index of 2.
- The Moral Injury Workbook: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills for Moving Beyond Shame, Anger, and Trauma to Reclaim Your Values by Wyatt R. Evans, PhD, Robyn D. Walser, PhD, Kent D. Drescher, PhD & Jacob K. Farnsworth, PhD. Self-Help Workbook with a Credibility Index of 2.
Treatment Facilities [US]
- River Oaks Hospital in New Orleans, Louisianna has a trauma processing unit that is knowlegeable on both dissociation and OEA. Hospitalizations must be voluntary and generally last 3 to 5 weeks. Must be referred.
- MacLean Hospital in Boston, Massachusettes has a dissociative disorders unit. You must be assessed in a Massachusetts emergency room prior to admission. Hospitalizations are focused on crisis stabilization and generally last 3 to 7 days.
- Black Bear Lodge in Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia is a residential treatment faility that specifies that they treat dissociative disorders and trauma disorders. Please note that residential facilities do not accept people who are actively suicidal or homicidal.
- BrightQuest Treatment Centers in San Diego, California and Nashville, Tennessee are residential treatment facilities that specify that they treat dissociative disorders and trauma disorders. Typical stays exceed 12 months. Please note that residential facilities do not accept people who are actively suicidal or homicidal.
Please note that, as of January 2024, Sheppard Pratt Hospital no longer has a trauma unit.